Simulink - Set and use global variable for use in settings

2 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if it was possible to define by any way a global variable (scope of an entire Simulink model) and use it in "Settings" we get by double-clicking an element in Simulink.
For instance, I'd like to define something like "Vcc" and use that for all my CMOS gates in an electrical circuit.

Accepted Answer

Sebastian Castro
Sebastian Castro on 4 Aug 2017
Absolutely. All you need to do is define a variable in the MATLAB workspace, for example:
>> Vcc = 5;
... and then any block that uses Vcc in its block parameters can pick this up.
The next step is to have these variables be automatically created when you open the model, by sticking this code in the pre-load callback of the model.
- Sebastian

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