converting 3D matrix to 2D image

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kush on 25 Mar 2012
how to convert 3D matrix C(4x4x64) into 2D W1(32x32) plz help i have divided an image into 4x4 blocks & saved them into matrix C1(a,b,c) now i want to reconvert it into image

Answers (3)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Mar 2012
We have no idea how you want these blocks to be arranged. Please read your message from our point of view and try to figure out what you meant. I don't know what a "block" is - is it a cell? A slice out of a 3D image like C? Is C the original matrix, or the one you have after dividing your image into blocks? You could have 8 4x4 blocks in each direction to get 32 pixels along a dimension, or 64 blocks to make up a 32x32 2D image. Am I supposed to know how all those 64 blocks are to be arranged? In what order?
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kush on 26 Mar 2012
sir,i have divided original image I (32x32) into an array of blocks/cells each of 4x4 size by
[a b] = size(HL31);
c=4;d=4; % reshape it into 4*4 matrices
for i=1:c:a-3
for j=1:d:b-3
then i have performed idct on each block
for i=1:size(C1,3)
now i want to convert C5 back to a 32x32 image
can u plz help

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Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 26 Mar 2012
f = @(block_struct)dct2(;
f2 = @(block_struct)idct2(;
C1 = blockproc(HL31,[4 4],f);
C5 = blockproc(C1,[4 4],f2);
ij = {4*ones(size(HL31,1)/4,1),4*ones(size(HL31,2)/4,1)}
C1 = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)dct2(x),mat2cell(HL31,ij{:}),'un',0))
C5 = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)idct2(x),mat2cell(C1,ij{:}),'un',0))
OR in your case
s3 = size(C5);
s2 = s3(1:2)*s3(3)/2;
ji = arrayfun(@(x)1:s3(x):s2(x)-s3(x)+1,1:2,'un',0);
[j1,i1] = ndgrid(ji{:});
ii = 0:s3(1)-1;
jj = 0:s3(2)-1;
out = zeros(s2);
for k = 1:numel(j1)
out(i1(k) + ii,j1(k) + jj) = C5(:,:,k);
Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov on 26 Mar 2012
Please accept his answer if you think it solved your problem.

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Sandip on 8 Aug 2013
I guess I have a similar problem. I have an image (tiff). I want histogram of this image/grey scale. However, when I read in the image, I find that my image (tiff) is in 3 D matrix form. How can I convert the image to 2D matrix! imhist command works only for images with 2D matrix form.
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Jan on 8 Aug 2013
Please post a new question in a new thread. If you highjack an existing thread, it is not clear, which answer belongs to which question, and you cannot selected an accepted answer.

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