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Plot a graphic with a complex function and 2 variables

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Hello guys! I'm new in matlab and need some help. I want to make two graphics of these equations below , to see how P and Q behave when teta varies between -180 to 180 degrees.
P = ((Vs * Vr) / Z) * sin (theta);
Q = (((Vs * Vr) / Z) * (1-(cos (theta)));
Vs = Vrln+(Ir*cos(thetar)+ j (Ir*sin(thetar)))*Z
Vr = Vsln-(Is*cos(thetas)+ j (Is*sin(thetas)))
theta = thetas - thetar
The values of Vsln, Vrln and Z are complex numbers with imag and real parts. I know is needed a loop for the teta var, but how i do that, and plot the graphics?
% Cálculo das Variáveis y e z
prompt = 'Digite o Comprimento da linha em km: ';
l = input(prompt);
prompt = 'Digite o Valor de Z em ohms: ';
za = input(prompt);
prompt = 'Digite o Valor de X em ohms: ';
xa = input(prompt);
z = complex(za,xa);
prompt = 'Digite o Valor de C: ';
C = input(prompt);
j1 = 2*pi*60*C;
y = complex(0, j1);
%Cálculo para comprimento total da linha
Z = z*l;
disp('O valor de Z será:')
Y = y*l;
disp('O valor de Y será:')
%Cálculos LT Curta
prompt = 'Digite a Tensão de funcionamento da linha em kV: ';
Vs = input(prompt);
prompt = 'Digite a Tensão no receptor em kV: ';
Vr = input(prompt);
Vrln = (Vs/(sqrt(3)));
disp('O valor de Vr(l-n) será');
Vsln = (Vr/(sqrt(3)));
disp('O valor de Vs(l-n) será');
Is = (Vs-Vr)/Z;
disp('O valor de Is será');
%Loop potência variando o ângulo no receptor
syms ang

Accepted Answer

KSSV on 4 Apr 2017
Note that you need not to use a loop for that calculation. Check the below pseudo code. I have taken the required variables as random, you can replace them with yours.
N = 100 ;
theta = linspace(-180,180,N)*pi/180 ; % ang;le in raidans
Vs = rand ; % a random value
Vr = rand ; % a random value
Z = rand ; % a random value
P = ((Vs * Vr) / Z) * sin (theta);
Q = (((Vs * Vr) / Z) * (1-(cos (theta))));
hold on
legend('P', 'Q');

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