How do i select some columns that have maximum some values ?

1 view (last 30 days)
Dear experiences
i have a data look like at the following in an excel file called (data.xls)
obs-name Var1 var2 var3 ..... varn
obs1 0.09 0.23 0.0 0.03
obs2 0.21 0.0 0.2 0.4
  • - i need to calculate the averages of variables values across all observation names ( every var column is independent from others).
  • - then eliminate all columns except (k) columns that have (k) largest average values ...
  • - for example if k=5 then result includes only observation names and 5 columns that involve largest 5 average values?
thanks for any participation ...

Accepted Answer

Andrei Bobrov
Andrei Bobrov on 3 Apr 2017
T = readtable('data.xlsx');
dm = mean(T{:,2:end});
[~,ii] = sort(dm,'descend');
k = 2; % Let k = 2
Tout = T(:,[1,sort(ii(1:k)+1)]);

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