
1 view (last 30 days)
Kugen Raj
Kugen Raj on 22 Mar 2012
i want to list down data r=0.1:0.5. but, im not getting the answer. briefly, i need to create an array with data that starts from 0.1 and ends with 0.5. but, using the code (r=0.1:0,5), im not getting a desired answer rather than 0.1 all the time. thomas anthony's explanation clarifies me what does this code actually do. now, i understand how to define it correctly to get a desired answer.
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Jan on 23 Mar 2012
Please use meaningful tags. All questions in this forum concern "matlab code".
It is not clear, what you are trying to do. What is "list down data" and what is "r"? What answer do you expect?
It is better to post the code and explain what happens and the difference to your expectations.

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Accepted Answer

Jan on 23 Mar 2012
What do you want r to be? Perhaps you are looking for:
r = linspace(0.1, 0.5, 10)
help linspace

More Answers (1)

Thomas on 22 Mar 2012
You are tying to list data in an array starting form 0.1 to 0.5 with a difference of 1 and so it will show only the first data point..
differ=0.1; % difference of 0.1 change this value for finer control


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