How DISPLAY *value* and *text* in editbox in GUI MATLAB at the same time ?
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muhammad zulhelmy
on 6 Mar 2017
Edited: Image Analyst
on 7 Mar 2017

handles.behaviour is a name for editbox
let say value A is 80000, therefore B will give an answer 8
i want to display 8 cm in editbox
How can i do that VALUE with TEXT together ???
What should be add in that command ???
Thank You So Much .....
on 6 Mar 2017
Edited: Adam
on 6 Mar 2017
Unless you want the user to be allowed to change the unit from cm to whatever they want I would advise against just joining it with a number in an edit box. It would be annoying for a user to edit (if I want to change the number in an edit box I just swipe everything and type my new number in, I don't want to have to fuss around selecting only the number part) and how do you interpret what they write if it is something other than 'cm'?
Just put the 'cm' in a text box next to a purely numeric edit box, or use a dropdown list of pre-defined options if you want the user to be able to change the unit.
on 7 Mar 2017
+1 for Adam's suggestion. It may be simpler to keep the numeric and unit data separate.
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 6 Mar 2017
Edited: Image Analyst
on 7 Mar 2017
Try this:
handles.behaviour.String = sprintf('%.1f cm', B);
I'd advise you to use more descriptive variable names so your code doesn't look like an alphabet soup of confusing letters.
If you have a really old version of MATLAB, use the old fashioned, obsolete way:
set(handles.behaviour, 'String', sprintf('%.1f cm', B));
Image Analyst
on 7 Mar 2017
Edited: Image Analyst
on 7 Mar 2017
The number to the right of the dot is how many digits of precision you'll have. If you want it fixed at 3 then use %.3f. If you want it at 2, use %.2f.
By the way, I agree with Adam that you should either put the units in a static text label to the right of the edit field, or use a drop down box (mysteriously called "popup" by MATLAB) if they need to change the units. Though you can do it like you want to if you code it up to be smart enough to handle it (like Adobe and Microsoft so for their products) in the case where the user edits the field. If you don't want users editing it, then just make it a static text label, not an edit text box field.
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