Recent Upgrade to MATLAB 2016b Student and Thermolib Problems- 'Simulink.​addRootPos​tCreateCal​lback'

2 views (last 30 days)
I recently upgraded to MATLAB 2016b Student and downloaded tool box Thermolib. I installed Thermolib as prescribed from EU but this is what I'm getting as a response.
Student License -- for use by students to meet course requirements and perform academic research at degree granting institutions only.
>> Thermolib_Setup Setting up library paths ... Looking for available licenses...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thermolib Version Toolbox for Modeling and Simulation of Thermodynamic Systems Copyright (c) 2003 - 2014 by EUtech Scientific Engineering GmbH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Valid Days of Certified Time Stamp: 90
Stick Type Product Code
Thermolib 6804635 CodeMeterAct 10500000
Currently in use:
MATLAB 9.1 (R2016b) 25-Aug-2016 (win64)
Simulink 8.8 (R2016b) 25-Aug-2016
Processor AMD64
To open the Thermolib, type "Thermolib" at the Matlab command window.
This command can be executed from any drive and any directory.
>> Thermolib_Uninstall Removing library paths ... The settings have been saved! Finished.
The Thermolib paths have been removed successfully!
>> Thermolib_Open Undefined function or variable 'Thermolib_Open'.
>> Thermolib_Setup Undefined function or variable 'Thermolib_Setup'.
>> Thermolib_Setup Setting up library paths ... Looking for available licenses...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thermolib Version Toolbox for Modeling and Simulation of Thermodynamic Systems Copyright (c) 2003 - 2014 by EUtech Scientific Engineering GmbH -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Valid Days of Certified Time Stamp: 90
Stick Type Product Code
Thermolib 6804635 CodeMeterAct 10500000
Currently in use:
MATLAB 9.1 (R2016b) 25-Aug-2016 (win64)
Simulink 8.8 (R2016b) 25-Aug-2016
Processor AMD64
To open the Thermolib, type "Thermolib" at the Matlab command window.
This command can be executed from any drive and any directory.
>> Thermolib Warning: Undefined function 'Simulink.addRootPostCreateCallback' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'. > In slCustomizer/callAllMethods In slCustomizer/refresh In slCustomizer.staticRefresh In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18) In slcustomize (line 4) In simulinkrc (line 34) In start_simulink (line 17) Warning: Undefined function 'Simulink.addRootPostCreateCallback' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'. > In slCustomizer/callAll In slCustomizer/refresh In slCustomizer.staticRefresh In sl_refresh_customizations (line 18) In slcustomize (line 4) In simulinkrc (line 34) In start_simulink (line 17) Error: File: Simulink.m Line: 1 Column: 10 Class name and filename do not agree.
>> Simulink Error using Simulink Error: File: Simulink.m Line: 1 Column: 10 Class name and filename do not agree.
Identifying shadowed project files Closing Project Models >>

Answers (1)

Edwards Chen
Edwards Chen on 9 Oct 2019
Thermolib is a third-party product. Please find more info below
If you have any question about this product. please contact us, a partner of Thermolib (EUtech) from China, Thermolib 试用联系:氢探新能源


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