How to designate an axes for plot in the GUI environment with a timer
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I have two GUI figures, with one having an axes in to plot using 'plot' in a time function. However, when the second GUI window opens, the plot will get to the 2nd GUI, rather than staying in the 1st figure. If I use a command like 'openfig', it will generate an error in the timer function.
Any suggestions?
1 Comment
David Barry
on 6 Dec 2016
Have you created an axes handle and are you using it as the first input to plot? Can you share your code?
Answers (1)
Walter Roberson
on 6 Dec 2016
When you create the timer callback, pass the axes handle as one of the parameters to it.
ax = handles.axes3;
t = timer('Callback', @(src, event) MyTimerCallback(src, event, ax), ....);
function MyTimerCallback(src, event, ax)
plot(ax, ....)
Walter Roberson
on 6 Dec 2016
That should not happen with that code, not unless somehow the Parent of handles.TG_Plot gets set to the new figure.
By the way, where is PowerCurrentRead getting w from?
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