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How to debug on Mac platform MEX files built from multiple source files using Xcode?

1 view (last 30 days)
I’d like to debug MEX files built from several source files but I have some trouble, the program never stop at any breakpoint! Here's what I did.
I have three source files wrote in c, one with the mexFunction and the others with some computational routines. I compiled those successfully in Matlab using mex –g. Then I created a project with Xcode following the instruction in Matlab documentation.
I set a breakpoint at the beginning of the mexFunction and ran the binary but the program never stops at the breakpoint.
I tried with the example provide in the documentation, yprime.c, and it works perfectly, every breakpoint that I set are hits.
I don’t see why it doesn’t work when I do the same but with multiple files.
Thanks for help!

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