Clear Filters
Clear Filters


1 view (last 30 days)
Sara Julie
Sara Julie on 14 Mar 2011
[EDIT: Thu May 12 23:02:45 UTC 2011 Duplicate Removed - MKF]
For my program i need to check whether the object lies inside the given area? if yes 1 should be indicated else 0. how this logic can be written using matlab?

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Mar 2011

More Answers (1)

Namrata on 14 Mar 2011
it will help if you elaborate the objective of your program. Image subtraction could be one of the solutions.
  1 Comment
keycamel villegas
keycamel villegas on 27 Apr 2011
hi Namrata.i currently doing my project regarding matlab..and im using imsubtract to subtract 2 images i have..but the output seems to be wrong because the 2pictures overlap each other...wht seems to be the problem?thank you

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