How to implement weighted Linear Regression

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I am trying to reproduce the results of a paper. It is mentioned that they used weighted linear regression with three different weights.
Is Weighted least square regression is same as weighted linear regression?
How can i implement weighted linear regression in matlab?

Answers (2)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 12 Nov 2016
"Is Weighted least square regression is same as weighted linear regression?" Yes.
Given the problem
A*x = y
where x is the vector of unknowns, and a weight vector w. w must have the same number of elements as y. I'll assume that w and y are column vectors.
W = diag(W);
x = (W*A)\(w.*y);
If there are many data points, then creating W as a diagonal matrix (that is not sparse) and multiplying by W will be less efficient that you may want. If you are using R2016b (or later) then you need not create W at all.
x = (w.*A)\(w.*y);
Again, this presumes that w and y are column vectors, and that you have R2016b.
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Paul Safier
Paul Safier on 6 Feb 2024
Also, @John D'Errico, do you know why the formula for beta above differs from the one here (taken from documentation online as well as the WLS wiki page)?
A = [1;2;3;4]; Y = [1.1;2.3;2.9;10]; W = [1;1;1;0.4];
A1 = [ones(size(A)) A];
Beta1 = (W.*A1)\(W.*Y) % The one you show above.
Beta2 = (A1'*diag(W)*A1)\(A1'*diag(W)*Y) % Eqn 7 from:

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Paul Safier
Paul Safier on 6 Feb 2024
@John D'Errico do you know how to compute the R^2 value in this weighted case?

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