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how to fix the installation issues?

2 views (last 30 days)
Rijo on 7 Nov 2016
Answered: eman attia on 11 Oct 2019
While I am installing R2016a, I got this error "The application encountered an unexpected error and needs to close. You may want to try re-installing your product(s). More information can be found at C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mathworks_admin.log". What will be the solution? Kindly anyone help me with this.
  1 Comment
Jan on 7 Nov 2016
Please reveal the important details written to C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\mathworks_admin.log, as the message tells you.

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Answers (1)

eman attia
eman attia on 11 Oct 2019
are u find the solution i need this please


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