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Creating a binary file using fwrite

14 views (last 30 days)
I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I don't have any experience creating binary files or doing what I need to do so this might be a silly question :)
I have a 3D matrix, 24x10x24 (time X layers X nodes). I'm trying to write a for loop for that it runs through the 10 layers with both time and nodes being 1, then I need it to run through each each layer with time being 1 and nodes being 2, and so on for each node. e.g
% [Double] U(1,1,1)
% [Double] V(1,1,1)
% ...[Double] U(nLayers,1,1)
% [Double] V(nLayers,1,1)
% [Double] U(1,2,1)
% [Double] V(1,2,1)
% ...[Double] U(nLayers,2,1)
% [Double] V(nLayers,2,1)
% ... ... ...[Double] U(nLayers,nNodes,1)
% [Double] V(nLayers,nNodes,1)
% [Double] U(1,1,2)
% [Double] V(1,1,2)
% ...[Double] U(nLayers,1,2)
% [Double] V(nLayers,1,2)
% [Double] U(1,2,2)
% [Double] V(1,2,2)
% ...[Double] U(nLayers,2,2)
% [Double] V(nLayers,2,2)
% ... ... ...[Double] U(nLayers,nNodes,2)
% [Double] V(nLayers,nNodes,2)
I've written some code, but I don't think its right at all since I can't really wrap my head around what I need to do anyway. And I probably haven't explained myself very well. If anyone has any ideas, I would really welcome them :)
Code so far (very wrong):
for lp=1:length(nLayers);
for lq=1:length(nNodes);
for lt=1:length(nTimeStep);

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Oct 2016
Your code writes u(1,lp,1) and then writes it again as the first element of u(1,lp,lq)
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 25 Oct 2016
If you are using Linux or OS X then you can use "od" to examine the contents of the binary file
Meghan on 25 Oct 2016
Sorry I realised that I'd already written the code and got the answer I wanted. I just had it a bit fuzzy. Never written anything to binary before so a little all over the place!
Thanks for the help anyway :)

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