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line number in Live Editor

11 views (last 30 days)
Thomas Ligon
Thomas Ligon on 19 Oct 2016
Commented: sivaiah borra on 19 Jul 2021
I am using Live Editor to edit a Live Script (.mlx), and I can't find the line number. In contrast, when I edit a Script (.m) using Editor, the line number is displayed in the left column, and both line and column are in the lower right corner of the window.

Accepted Answer

Mischa Kim
Mischa Kim on 19 Oct 2016
Thomas, to display line numbers in the Live Editor, open a live script, go to the VIEW tab on the very top and select Line Numbers.
sivaiah borra
sivaiah borra on 19 Jul 2021
Thank you. it's working. After open your matlab script, go to "view" then enable or click on "show line numbers" That's all.

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