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Simulink simscape library block colors

18 views (last 30 days)
I am using R2016a, simscape library have some blue and some black blocks which do not connect to each other. For example a blue ac voltage source does not connect to a black linear transformer. How to solve this?

Accepted Answer

Rodney Tan
Rodney Tan on 10 Oct 2016
Hi AbdAlla If I am not wrong, you are trying to connect a Simscape Electrical voltage source (blue) to a SimscapePowerSystems Linear Transformer (Black). Both components will not connect because they are different domain in Simscape. The quick and simple solution, you can use Simscape ideal transformer (blue) to model linear transformer, just change the winding ratio and it can connect to the voltage source (blue). I have attached a screen capture for your reference.
Or alternatively you can do it entirely in SimscapePowerSystems domain
Both should give you similar results. I also attached both model for your reference.
Please Accept and Like if I answered your question. Thanks
  1 Comment
Siddhi Kadam
Siddhi Kadam on 8 Mar 2019
Rodney Tan, Thank you sir for your comment. It helped me a lot for my project.

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