Print Figure to Word Document with Current Figure Size

10 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I am currently using a function on File Exchange to print my figure to a Word document. I noticed the size of the figure on the doc was a lot smaller than the actual size of the figure. I tried to set the "position" and "paperPosition" of the figure before printing, but neither setting affected the figure size. Could anyone please help me on this issue? I just want to make the figure in the doc the same size as the current figure size in MATLAB. The code that I used from File Exchange is below. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
% Find end of document and make it the insertion point:
end_of_doc = get(actx_word_p.activedocument.content,'end');
% Paste the contents of the Clipboard:
%also works Paste(ActXWord.Selection)

Accepted Answer

Eric on 28 Feb 2012
I print figures to Word in a different way. First print the figure to a temporary file using something like
temp_fname = [tempname '.png'];%Create a temporary name
print(['-f' sprintf('%d',figure_number)], '-dpng', temp_fname);
where figure_number is the number of the figure you're working with.
Then insert the picture using something like
where Word_COM is the COM object for Word.
Lastly, delete the temporary file and set the size of the picture using
set(Pic, 'ScaleHeight', scale, 'ScaleWidth', scale);
where scale is some user-defined value. You can adjust the scale until you get something you like.
Good luck,
Subhamoy Saha
Subhamoy Saha on 20 Mar 2019
Edited: Subhamoy Saha on 20 Mar 2019
HI lynniz, I'm also having similar trouble. Would you please explain what does 'Pic' refer to in the following line of the code given by Eric?
set(Pic, 'ScaleHeight', scale, 'ScaleWidth', scale);
Georgi Botev
Georgi Botev on 7 Jan 2020
Pic is assigned when for example using an .AddPitcure metohd
Pic = selection.InlineShapes.AddPicture(ImPathName); % absolute path to the image
set(Pic, 'ScaleHeight', scale, 'ScaleWidth', scale);
Maybe this will help you reference the Pic variable

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