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1 view (last 30 days)
anush on 4 Aug 2016
Answered: Stalin Samuel on 4 Aug 2016
Hallo, I am developing a software tool. This tool was developed completely before in matlab to access the data from the server and retrieve data and perform calculation whole process was done in matalb (gui) coding and access of data was through ODBC. now i am developing for the web services instead of ODBC network. I am using the visual studio for web service server connection. My question is should i change my complete calculation codes which i have done in matlab , functions in oder to use my tool or can i just use a Dll plugin in matlab just for server connection through web services ?. thank you.

Accepted Answer

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 4 Aug 2016
You have two options
  1. You can call the .Net libraries from matlab ( more datails )
  2. Create .NET Application with MATLAB Code ( more details )

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