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Push data into the SQL database

5 views (last 30 days)
Jake on 1 Aug 2016
I want to push the table ("NewAllocation": a matrix of type double) into the SQL database server.
dbpath = ['C:\DATAbase.mdb'];
url = [['jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DSN='';DBQ='] dbpath];
connfof = database('','mgmtuser','userpw','sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver',url);
colnames = {'EffectiveDate','Code','Component_Code','Allocation'};
tablename = 'NewAllocation';
fastinsert(connfof, tablename, colnames, NewAllocation)
My question is, can "fastinsert" or "datainsert" just populate the data as is in a type of double??
Please correct me if I am wrong. But, I think "fastinsert" or "datainsert" convert double into text value when exporting data into the SQL server..
Thanks for your help. Jake

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