how do I use LOS2?

3 views (last 30 days)
Keihan on 27 Jun 2016
I'm trying to see if there is line of sight between an aircraft (UA) and a satellite (I5) using LOS. I used the following script:
clear all;
close all;
%satellite coordiantes
I5_lat = 0;
I5_long = 62.2;
I5_alt = 35786000; %m
effectiveradius = 4/3*earthRadius;
actualradius = earthRadius;
%Aircraft Coordinates
UA_lat = 88;
UA_long = -5;
UA_alt = 0;
%region of interest
long = -17.1:0.1:43.3;
latlim = [54 89.5];
lonlim = [-17.1 43.3];
layers = wmsfind('*elev', 'SearchField', 'serverurl');
layers = wmsupdate(layers);
aster = layers.refine('earthaster', 'SearchField', 'layername');
cellSize = dms2degrees([0,6,0]);
%obtain elevation data for region of interest
[ZA, RA] = wmsread(aster, 'Latlim', latlim, 'Lonlim', lonlim, ...
'CellSize', cellSize, 'ImageFormat', 'image/bil');
%determine if there is Line of sight
vis = los2(double(ZA),RA,UA_lat,UA_long,I5_lat,I5_long,UA_alt,I5_alt,'MSL', ...
I don't expect there to be line of sight between the aircraft and the satellite when the aircraft is at lat=88deg N and long = 5 deg west, but the LOS2 function returns a '1'. Can you what is wrong with the script?
Thanks, Keihan

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