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Limit of p value from multcompare?

5 views (last 30 days)
Eric Zhang
Eric Zhang on 27 Jun 2016
Commented: the cyclist on 29 Jun 2016
(I'm having exactly the same question as this one on Stack Exchange, so I'm quoting it verbatim as follows)
It seems to me that MATLAB multcompare cannot output any p value (for pairwise comparison) smaller than 9.56061674273201e-10.
To confirm this, I did
y = [ones(100,1) 2*ones(100,1) 3*ones(100,1)];
[p,tbl,stats] = anova1(y);
[c,~,~,gnames] = multcompare(stats);
p = c(:,6)
and got p values for the three pairwise comparisons
p =
Why is there this limit in MATLAB? How should I report my p values then? It looks strange to report exactly same values for several different tests.
Eric Zhang
Eric Zhang on 28 Jun 2016
Edited: Eric Zhang on 28 Jun 2016
@Brendan Hamm
Many thanks for the reply! Very interested in how exactly this rounding error occurs (or this limit is reached). Greatly appreciate it if you could elaborate more? Thanks a lot!

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