Estimation of errors from solving A\B=X

2 views (last 30 days)
Kresten on 15 Feb 2012
Edited: Rahul on 19 Nov 2024
I have a few vectors which by a linear combination fits a different vector quite nice. E.g. I solve the equation
[vec1 vec2 vec3 vec4]*X=vec_dat.
Now I would like to get a feeling of the confidence level on the coefficients returned by matlab.
One thing I have tried is
for i=1:length(l)
I observe parabolas with different 2nd derivatives for each of the coefficients i test. Obviously the 2nd derivative of such a parabola must be related to the confidence of the given coefficient tested?
Any one know how to extract it?

Answers (1)

Rahul on 19 Nov 2024
Edited: Rahul on 19 Nov 2024
Hi Kresten,
I am assuming that you are using the latest R2024b release of MATLAB. To assess the confidence level of the coefficients in a linear regression model, you can use the standard errors and confidence intervals of the coefficients. This could be a simpler way to observe the relation between confidence and coefficients, rather than relying on the second derivative of the RMS error with respect to the coefficients. Here's a general approach to achieve this:
  1. Fit the Linear Model: Useing MATLAB's built-in functions to fit the linear model and obtain the coefficients and their statistics.
  2. Extract Standard Errors and Confidence Intervals: MATLAB provides functions to calculate these directly from the fitted model.
You can use thefitlmfunction to fit a linear model and get detailed statistics about the coefficients:
% Sample data
vec1 = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];
vec2 = [2; 3; 4; 5; 6];
vec3 = [3; 4; 5; 6; 7];
vec4 = [4; 5; 6; 7; 8];
vec_dat = [10; 14; 18; 22; 26]; % Linear combination of vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4
X = [vec1, vec2, vec3, vec4];
y = vec_dat;
% Fit linear model
mdl = fitlm(X, y);
Once you have the model, you can extract various statistics, as shown below:
% Display the model summary
% Extract coefficients
coefficients = mdl.Coefficients.Estimate;
% Extract standard errors
standardErrors = mdl.Coefficients.SE;
% Extract confidence intervals (default 95%)
confidenceIntervals = mdl.coefCI;
Instead of manually testing the sensitivity of the coefficients by perturbing them and observing the RMS error, you can use thefitlmfunction, whcih provides a more robust statistical framework for assessing the confidence in your coefficients. The standard errors and confidence intervals can give a clearer picture of the reliability of each coefficient estimate.
In case, you want to visualize how the RMS error changes with perturbations to a coefficient, you can use the following code:
% Choose a coefficient to perturb (e.g., the second one)
coef_index = 2;
c = coefficients(coef_index);
l = linspace(c - c/5, c + c/5, 20);
% Compute the RMS error for different values of the chosen coefficient
RMSa = zeros(size(l));
for i = 1:length(l)
sim = l(i) * vec1 + coefficients(2) * vec2 + coefficients(3) * vec3 + coefficients(4) * vec4;
RMSa(i) = sqrt(mean((vec_dat - sim).^2));
% Plot the parabola
plot(l, RMSa, '-o');
xlabel('Coefficient Value');
ylabel('RMS Error');
title('RMS Error vs. Coefficient Value');
The curvature of the RMS error plot gives an intuitive sense of the sensitivity of the fit to changes in the coefficient. A steeper parabola (greater second derivative) suggests that small changes in the coefficient lead to large changes in the error, indicating a more precise estimate (lower variance). However, the standard errors provided byfitlmare a more direct and statistically sound measure of confidence in the coefficients.
To know more about the usage of ‘fitlm’ function, refer to the documentation link mentioned below:


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