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How to create n arrays from a mxn matrix using mat2dataset

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi guys,
I'm using mat2dataset on a 100x100 matrix and i want to create 100 arrays of each column of the dataset. This is what i'm doing:
% y=100x100 matrix
y2=y2.'; ... %and so on
There must be a way to do this avoiding writing every single array!
Hope you can help me

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 17 Jun 2016
Seriously, DO NOT DO THIS.
See question 1 in the Programming section of the FAQ for more information about why this is a Bad Idea. Dynamic field names (described in the FAQ question) work for dataset arrays just like they do for struct arrays, if I remember correctly.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 20 Jun 2016
You don't need to use a dataset here. Just use a for loop iterating over the columns of y, and store the results of each iteration through the for loop in an element of the cell arrays u, v, and w.
y = randi(10, 1, 20);
C = cell(1, 20);
for k = 1:20
C{k} = magic(y(k));
C is a cell array whose nth cell contains the magic square matrix of size y(n) [or a specific 2-by-2 matrix if y(n) is 2, even though that matrix doesn't satisfy the requirements to be a magic square.]
Gaspar Cid
Gaspar Cid on 20 Jun 2016
Al'right! I finally did this:
u = cell(1,200);
v= cell (1,200)
for k=1:200
[u{k} v{k} w{k}] = yang(x0,y0,z0,a,A,P_G,mu,nu,theta,phi,x,y(k),z)
And it seems to work! Thank you very much!

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