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Align subplots non-manually

5 views (last 30 days)
Dave on 17 Jun 2016
Commented: Dave on 17 Jun 2016
I have a figure with 5 subplots. Aside from doing it manually, is there are a way to set a 2x3 subplot figure in a way that the first row has 2 subplots and the second row has 3 subplots?
subplot(2,3,1) subplot(2,3,2)
subplot(2,3,3) subplot(2,3,4) subplot(2,3,5)
In way that sub1 and sub2 are centered (so sub1 position should be between sub3 and sub4)

Accepted Answer

Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 17 Jun 2016
Create a 2 row and 6 column grid of locations for subplots. In the first row, each subplot will span 3 of the columns; in the second row, each will span 2. See example "Subplots with Different Sizes" in the documentation for subplot for a simple example of this general technique.
Steven Lord
Steven Lord on 17 Jun 2016
Use the same 2 row and 6 column grid, but in the top row have the subplots cover positions 2-3 and 4-5 while in the bottom row they cover 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12. This will leave a space half the size of the axes on either side of the top row.

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