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Clear Filters

Read compressed files without unzipping them

4 views (last 30 days)
Davide on 24 May 2016
I have (very large) comma separated files compressed in bz2 format. If I un-compressed them and I read with
fileID = fopen('file.dat');
X = textscan(fileID,'%d %d64 %s %f %d %f %f %d', 'delimiter', ',');
everything is fine. But I would like to read them without uncompressing them, something like
fileID = fopen('file.bz2');
X = textscan(fileID,'%d %d64 %s %f %d %f %f %d', 'delimiter', ',');
which, unfortunatley, returns an empty X. Any suggestions? Do I have to uncompressed them unavoidably?

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