I would like to extract each character from a text file. Later convert each character(in ASCII) to binary and store the binary form in an array.
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For example, text file: example.txt which contains text "hello, hi". It will take each character and convert it to binary and store the value in an array.
Answers (1)
on 4 May 2016
Note that computers store characters and numbers in binary form, so it's not clear what you mean by "convert it to binary".
In any case, to read the file:
content = fileread('C:\full\path to\example.txt');
If you want matlab to display the ASCII value (strictly speaking it's not ASCII as characters can be outside the range 0-127):
asciivalues = double(content);
If what you meant is that you want the individual bits of each character as separate elements of your array:
charbits = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(c) bitget(c, 8:-1:1), asciivalues, 'UniformOutput', false));
on 4 May 2016
Simply transpose the cell array returned by arrayfun before the call to cell2mat. That is:
charbits = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(c) bitget(c, 8:-1:1), asciivalues, 'UniformOutput', false)'); %note the '
See Also
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