GUI red circle indicating connection

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Daniel on 19 Apr 2016
Edited: Baltam on 21 Apr 2016
I have serial connection. I would like to have a green circle blinking in the screen while connection is on and a red circle while connection is off.
do i need to use axes for that?

Accepted Answer

Baltam on 19 Apr 2016
Personally I would do it with axes yes. Below an example of green and red circle depending on parameter x.
x = [0 1];
for i =1:numel(x)
rectangle('Position', [0.0 0.0 1 1], 'Curvature', [1 1], 'FaceColor', [x(i) 1-x(i) 0]) % with x = parameter
ax = gca;
% remove tick labels
% make lines of the axes white --> invisible on white background
set(ax,'XColor',[1,1,1]) , set(ax,'YColor',[1,1,1])
% make axes square to get round circle
axis square
Kind regards,
Daniel on 21 Apr 2016
thanks. it works. follow up question: what if i want to make it blink? i know i can make it appear and disappear, but i want this operation to happen while other code is running. is this an interrupt situation?
Baltam on 21 Apr 2016
Edited: Baltam on 21 Apr 2016
I believe you need something like this and adjust the function to make it change the color of the circle to white. I never used it before so good luck. I also read if you are doing heavy caculations the timer will not do its function in the background but it will do its task whenever some time is available.
t = timer;
t.ExecutionMode = 'fixedRate';
t.Period = 1;
t.TimerFcn = @(~,~)disp('1s elapsed');
Good luck,

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