How can i plot a stream lines for velocity and temperature plot using numerical methods in MATLAB

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Answers (1)

BhaTTa on 10 Sep 2024
To plot streamlines for velocity and temperature fields using numerical methods in MATLAB, you can follow these steps. Typically, streamlines are used to visualize vector fields, such as velocity fields. For temperature fields, you might want to use contour plots instead. Here's an example of how to do both:
Step 1: Define the Grid and Fields
First, you need to define the computational grid and the velocity and temperature fields. For simplicity, let's assume you have a 2D grid and velocity components ( u ) and ( v ), as well as a temperature field ( T ).
Step 2: Generate Sample Data
For demonstration purposes, let's generate some synthetic data and plot it:
% Define the grid
[x, y] = meshgrid(linspace(0, 10, 100), linspace(0, 10, 100));
% Define velocity components (u, v) and temperature field (T)
u = -sin(pi * x) .* cos(pi * y);
v = cos(pi * x) .* sin(pi * y);
T = exp(-((x - 5).^2 + (y - 5).^2) / 10);
% Plot the velocity field using quiver
quiver(x, y, u, v, 'r');
hold on;
% Plot streamlines
startx = linspace(0, 10, 10); % Starting points for streamlines
starty = zeros(size(startx)); % Starting at y = 0
streamline(x, y, u, v, startx, starty);
% Plot temperature field using contour
contour(x, y, T, 20); % 20 contour levels
hold off;
% Add labels and title
title('Streamlines and Temperature Contours');


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