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separate column into several using descriptive variable

3 views (last 30 days)
I would like to split up a cell array that I have using a grouping variable. I have not found an applicable group function. I have a column of numbers say x = 123456789 and y = c1 c2 c1 c3 c4 c3 c1 c3 c4 I would like to split it up into 4 separate arrays with the values from x. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have about 10 000 samples so manually going through would not be an option.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Jan 2016
I'm just as confused as Stephen. It doesn't look like Brandon has read this yet. Like Stephen says, x = 123456789 means x is a single number, not a column of numbers. So when you say "values from x", what values would those be? There is only one value and that is 123456789. What are the other values???????????????????
And assuming the c in your definition of y means column, I can't see any pattern to the numbers in y, either by themselves or by looking at x. What is the rule for assembling y like that???
Brandon MacKinnon
Brandon MacKinnon on 25 Jan 2016
My Mistake, my MATLAB terms are not correct.
I have height data here: height = ndata(:,4);
then i have a grouping variable here fbp = text(:,3);
both have 10 000 rows and one column
I would like to extract the rows from height using a grouping variable in fbp

Answers (1)

jgg on 25 Jan 2016
Edited: jgg on 25 Jan 2016
You want the discretize function:
x = 100*rand(1000,1); %your data
groups = [0:10:100]; %your bins to group the data into
group_id = discretize(x,bins);
If you don't have groups and want every unique value of x instead, try unique instead with the third return option.
jgg on 25 Jan 2016
This code works fine for me. What are you calling that it giving you the error exactly? Are you using an older version of Matlab?
The documentation is here:
jgg on 25 Jan 2016
If you have an older version of Matlab this should work instead:
x = 100*rand(1000,1); %your data
groups = [0:10:100]; %your bins to group the data into
[~,group_id] = histc(x,groups);

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