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Putting spacing between strings

2 views (last 30 days)
Yoshi on 23 Jan 2016
Edited: jgg on 23 Jan 2016
I am trying to print out something like this:
A (10 blank spaces) B (10 blank spaces) C
any ideas?
Yoshi on 23 Jan 2016
ABC are supposed to be singular values such as 7,8,9
jgg on 23 Jan 2016
Then the second example there should work. I'll submit it as an answer.

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Answers (1)

jgg on 23 Jan 2016
Edited: jgg on 23 Jan 2016
You can do this by sending them to strings then concatenating them:
A = 1;
B = 8;
C= 9;
space = ' ';
str = [num2str(A),space,num2str(B),space,num2str(C)];
or you can print str to a file (it's unclear what you mean by "print out")


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