How to invert contourf(data,[threshold threshold],'k') and modify color

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Dear Experts,
I need to make contours around significant peaks (statistical values presented with imagesc or pcolor), and whiten the thoughs between the peaks.
contourf(2Dmatrix,[threshold threshold],'k')
does almost what I want...
... but it comes the wrong way round: It makes a threshold and covers the hill of the peak with some color and encloses it with the black line.
I would need to keep the hills uncovered, but to cover the thoughs, with white color of 0.4 transparency.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Dec 2015
AlphaMask = double(TwoDmatrix < threshold);
whitecover = ones(size(TwoDMatrix, 1), size(TwoDMatrix, 2), 3);
image(whitecover, 'AlphaData', AlphaMask);
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 20 Dec 2015
I should have said
AlphaMask = 0.4 * double(TwoDMatrix < threshold);
whitecover = ones(size(TwoDMatrix, 1), size(TwoDMatrix, 2), 3);
image(whitecover, 'AlphaData', AlphaMask);
after which you can
contour(TwoDMatrix, [threshold threshold], 'k')

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