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find a value in a matrix

5 views (last 30 days)
fede on 23 Sep 2015
Commented: Mario Bocanegra on 4 Sep 2021
For example I have the following cell
x1 x2 x3
x1 2 3 4
x2 5 -2 -5
x3 -6 -5 -4
I want to search all variable of matrix > -2, and as output : x1, x2 for example. In my case :
X1 X1
X1 X2
X2 X1
X1 X3

Accepted Answer

Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal on 23 Sep 2015
I wasn't sure if you want the actual output in terms of 'x*' or the corresponding index.
>> inputMat = [2 3 4; 5 -2 -5; -6 -5 -4];
>> [myRow, myCol] = find(inputMat > -2);
>> numericalAns = [myRow myCol];
>> indexNames = {'x1' 'x2' 'x3'};
>> cellFormAns = [indexNames(myRow)' indexNames(myCol)'];
Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal on 23 Sep 2015
Edited: Nobel Mondal on 23 Sep 2015
Is this what you're looking for?
>> matchValues = inputMat(inputMat > -2);
Mario Bocanegra
Mario Bocanegra on 4 Sep 2021
This worked! Thank you!

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