Clear Filters
Clear Filters


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can someone tell me how to fix this matlab code in frames

2 views (last 30 days)
clear data
disp ('input video');% "input video"
avi = VideoReader('DSCN0928.avi');% avi: MATLAB movie structure
video = readFrame(avi);% CDATA: M x N x 3 matrix used to represent the true color image
for a = 1: length (video)% length (video) said the number of frames of this video
imshow (video {a})% in order of the number of frames to display image
DrawNow; end
the error i get is Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Error in cdata2 (line 11) imshow (video {a})% in order of the number of frames to display image
i'm using matlab 2015a version.

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Sep 2015
Try this:
videoObject = VideoReader(movieFullFileName)
% Extract the frame from the movie structure.
thisFrame = read(videoObject, frameNumber);
% Display it in the current axes.

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