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how to save an image without using 'uint8'?

16 views (last 30 days)
anika hossain
anika hossain on 17 Sep 2015
Commented: Guillaume on 17 Sep 2015
i want to save my image with its actual pixel value which is float/double. i am using 'png' format picture & _ 'imwrite(uint8(image));'_ to save it. now i want it without 'uint8'

Answers (1)

Guillaume on 17 Sep 2015
The png format only supports integer pixels (up to 16 bits). There are actually very few mainstream image formats that support floating point pixels as for visualisation the decimal part makes no difference.
In theory, you could save the image as png (converting it to integer) while storing the original image in a custom png chunk, but matlab does not give that level of control over load/save of png images.
I'm sure we've told you this before: if you want to save the image for visualisation, convert it to integer, you can use uint16 instead of uint8 for more precision. If you want to save the image for further precision save it as mat file. If you want to do both, save it in both formats.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 17 Sep 2015
TIF does support floating point, and you can create floating point TIF images using the Tiff class in MATLAB.
I was mistaken about DICOM support for images (though you can insert such data under a private Bulk Data tag.)
Guillaume on 17 Sep 2015
Yes, tif support floating point. Whether your image editor/viewer will cope with such image is not guaranteed.

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