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Clear Filters

how to plot a histogram with distribution fitting?

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I want to plot a histogram with distribution fit.
I use this code:
l = [ 502 3341; 724 3502; 1310 3379; 2966 4001; 1915 3858];
to plot a stacked fig.
but now I want to plot a histogram fig with distribution fit, - with my data - like this:
I use:
but it didn't work ): , giving me an error "double"
how I can do this ?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 Aug 2015
Why are your counts and categories, and even the size of the dimensions of the badly-named "l" different all the time? I'm not even clear what you want. I see a Gaussian curve over a bar chart in both cases. What do you want? Do you want the bar stacked like when you used a 2D l instead of a 1-d l?
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem on 17 Aug 2015
Edited: Amr Hashem on 17 Aug 2015
sorry for the badly name "l" , I'll change it.
first "l" s is a stacked so [ 502 3341 ;... ], is equal to
second "l" s [ 3843;...].
and I want to plot a histogram and then draw over it a distribution fit curve.
like this but on my data:
or this
I try many functions:
but it didn't work, any idea please?

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Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Aug 2015
If you have no particular shape in mind, like the last plot above that you showed with the lumpy red curve, then you can use a Savitzky-Golay filter (demo attached). Attach the data for your last bar chart and I'll show you how with your actual data.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Aug 2015
Alright, I did a full blown demo for you. I let you choose an image to read in, then get the histogram, then smooth the histogram with a Savitzky-Golay filter (which is like a sliding polynomial filter). See the attached code below this image that it creates:
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem on 17 Aug 2015
Edited: Amr Hashem on 18 Aug 2015
it seems that the image is not well attached
Zhang zhengnan
Zhang zhengnan on 30 Jan 2016
Edited: Zhang zhengnan on 30 Jan 2016
Thank you for your answer.Can you attach code about 'smooth the histogram with a Savitzky-Golay filter'?

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