How to write a value on a specific portion which is constant on a graph?

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi ,
I want to write something on parts of a graph which are constant.
For example,
a=[1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ]
My graph is attached.
For the portion on the xaxis, from 2 to 10, i want to write "level=2" on top of the constant line and from 12 to 18, i want to write "level 5" on top of the constant line.
Anyway of doing it in MATLAB?
Nick on 1 Jul 2015
Are you looking to automate this or just manually put in these values?
yashvin on 1 Jul 2015
Hi Nick,
I want to automate. Find below part of my code and a .png of my graph. I should have been more accurate in my question. It is actually a DATETIME plot. So inserting it as a text does not work.
colorVec = hsv(length(out_select));
for i=1:Numberofalt
hold on
On top of each line , that i generate in the plot, i want to write down a corresponding value which corresponds to any of the values of
which is actually a constant number. See the graph i generate.

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 1 Jul 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 1 Jul 2015
Try this:
a = [1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,5,5,5,5,5,5,5];
b = 1:numel(a);
d = [1,diff(a),1]; % differences between values
s = find(d(1:end-1)); % begin of contiguous blocks
e = find(d(2:end)); % end of contiguous blocks
n = e-s;
x = n>0; % select how many must be in a block
p = mean([s(x);e(x)],1); % x-positions
v = a(s(x)); % y-positions
t = arrayfun(@(n)sprintf('level %g',n),v,'UniformOutput',false);
Which generates this figure:
Note that I placed the text under the line as the axes do not resize automatically to fit the text. Of course you can change this and many other options, such as the horizontal alignment, typeface, font size etc. See the text properties for more info on this.
yashvin on 2 Jul 2015
Hi yea now it works!! So the main thing was to use the datenum ! Awesome thanks!

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