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Date String to x-axis on Plot, Date and Time on Plots

8 views (last 30 days)
I need to plot time on a graph in matlab. From my excel sheet, I have the data imported in a number value. In other words, the excel sheet shows serial numbers for dates before it is even imported.
Then I took this column of serial numbers, and converted it to dates using datestr(x).
However, you cannot plot strings. How can I fix this situation to plot(x,y) where x is in dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:ss format?

Answers (1)

dpb on 2 Jun 2015
Which release? If late, see
If you're on an earlier release which doesn't support the datetime object, then
doc datetick % and friends
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 3 Jun 2015
As dpb says, if you're using R2014b or later, use datetimes. To convert from Excel serial day numbers to datetime, use
d = datetime(exelDates,'convertFrom','excel');
Or if you have MATLAB serial datenums, use 'convertFrom','datenum'.

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