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for loop to convert cells of column to string

1 view (last 30 days)
i have a data which is a column of cells (some string and some douple), i search for some words in it
i use this code
for E=1:R % from 1 : length of columns
B=~cellfun('isempty',regexp(alldata(:,52),'BATTERY')) % search for battrey and return 1 or 0
if (B(E) == 1) % if value of array greater than or equal 1
Defs(j)=E; % save its postion (E,1)
else % save all arrays didn't have 'battery' separately
but i get an error
All cells must be strings.
in line B=~cellfun('isempty',regexp(alldata(:,52),'BATTERY'))
how i can run a for loop to convert all cells into double?
i use this
data= ' Nan '
data{ not( cellfun( @ischar, data ) ) } = '';
but i cant run a for loop... :(
  1 Comment
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem on 19 May 2015
sometimes when i search for a word in a column
with the same code, i got this error Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
it seems that some cells in the column is empty
how i can solve this

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Accepted Answer

Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem on 20 May 2015
I found this answer:
for k = 1:R
if isnan(H{k})
H{k} = '';
it was answered by Jan Simon
and it works...
thanks for you all... thanks for Jan.

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