What would be right approach to compute this 1D convolution ?

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ishan ungefär 13 timmar ago
Commented: Torsten ungefär 5 timmar ago
I am trying to generate some data which is a result of 1D convolution. These equations are related to acoustics of a moving medium.
This is the Green's function:
This is the Green's function differentiated w.r.t to time "t":
I am interested in calculating the pressure which is given by this convolution product:
I am interested in plotting the results on x-axis bounded as . I have included the script which has given invalid values. I am wondering what could be going wrong. Here is the plot which I want to generate.
Can someone please provide some tips to troubleshoot this?
This my script:
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% frequency
freq = 1/30;
% angular frequency
omega = 2*pi*(1/30);
% time
% speed of sound
c = 290;
% constants
alpha = log(2)/2;
epsilon = 0.5;
% Mach number
M = 0.5;
% wavenumber
k = omega/c;
% discretize the x axis bounded from -100 to 100
x = -100:0.5:100;
% hankel function
hankel_function = besselh(0, k*x/(1-M^2));
% exponential function
exp_function = -(1j*M*k*x/(1-M^2)) - (1j*omega*t);
% Green's function - complex quantity
G = (1j/4) * (1/( c^2*sqrt(1-M^2) )) * hankel_function .* exp_function;
% Green's function differentiated w.r.t time "t" - complex quantity
diffG = -1j*omega * G;
% spatial portion of the source term = f(x)
f = epsilon * exp(-alpha*x);
% convolution of "f" and real part of "diffG" should give pressure p(x,t)
p = conv( f, real(diffG),'same')*0.5;
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson ungefär 8 timmar ago
There is not much you can do. limit(besselh(0,x)) is -1-1i*inf from the left and +1-1i*inf from the right. They have the same complex component, but different real components.
It is true that you are multiplying by exp_function and exp_function involves x so there is the potential for the values canceling out. However, exp_function has an additional constant term, and that constant term times +/-1 - 1i*inf is still going to be disjoint.
Torsten ungefär 5 timmar ago
Maybe a link to the "well-known paper in the field of acoustics" can help.

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