I try to let the laptop identify an increase in any vakue of a heatmap grid and if the value increase then that grid will be converted to green but I couldnt let that work.

2 views (last 30 days)
%here's the code I use for testing but whenever I run the code the numbers that didn't increase also convert into green
x = 15;
y = 15;
matrix = randi([0, 3], x, y);
previousMatrix = matrix;
h = heatmap(matrix);
cmap = [linspace(0, 0, 256)' linspace(0, 1, 256)' linspace(1, 0, 256)'];
h.ColorLimits = [0, 5];
for iteration = 1:10
rowToChange = randi(x);
colToChange = randi(y);
roll = randi([1, 6]);
fprintf("Dice Roll: %d\n", roll);
oldValue = matrix(rowToChange, colToChange);
matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) = matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) + roll;
if matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) > oldValue
matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) = 5;
% Only re-create the heatmap here after making the updates
h = heatmap(matrix);
h.ColorLimits = [0, 5]; % Ensure only cells with value 5 are highlighted
previousMatrix = matrix;

Answers (1)

Shashi Kiran
Shashi Kiran on 7 Nov 2024
I have reviewed your code and have a few observations:
  • In the code segment below, consider a scenario where the old value is 2, and the roll value is 1 (the minimum possible). When you add the roll value to the old value, the result is 3, which will always be greater than the old value.
  • Consequently, the `if` block is always executed, causing the color to change to green regardless.
roll = randi([1, 6]); % 1
oldValue = matrix(rowToChange, colToChange); % 2
matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) = matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) + roll; % 3
if matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) > oldValue
matrix(rowToChange, colToChange) = 5;
Please review this logic. Let me know if I can assist you further.


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