I want to know the kernel size applied to a Gaussian filter

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You want to apply a Gaussian filter with a standard deviation of 2 to an image.
imgaussfilt(A, 2)
This image is 0.056 mm per pixel.
The blur is applied over a range of 2x0.056 mm, so I expect the boundaries to be softened within a range of 0.112 mm.
However, I was told that I should also consider the kernel size.
Is there any way to know the kernel size?

이미지에 표준편차가 2인 가우시안 필터를 적용하려고 해요.
imgaussfilt(A, 2)
이 이미지는 1pixel 당 0.056mm입니다.
블러가 적용되는 범위가 2x0.056mm로, 0.112mm 범위 내에서 경계가 부드러워질 것으로 예상했어요.
그런데, 커널 사이즈도 고려해야 한다고 하더라고요.
혹시 커널 사이즈를 알 수 있는 방법이 있을까요?

Answers (1)

Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo on 24 Oct 2024
In the document of imgaussfilt, it is mentioned that the default filter size is determined by the formula below:
Because you set sigma of 2, the filter size will be 9.
sigma = 2;
ans = 9




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