waitfor( ) isn't working for a SerialPort
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Seems simple my code does this to be sure everything has been processed from the USB port connected to an Arduino Pico.
if (app.PicoCom.NumBytesAvailable>0)
PicoInput(app,app.PicoCom); % Call the callback 'by hand'
waitfor(app.PicoCom,NumBytesAvailable,0); % wait until it's REALLY done
I seem to need this because even though the trigger is "terminator" and call back has:
while (app.PicoCom.NumBytesAvailable>0)
raw = readline(src);
% Do the processing needed
sometimes data gets left in the buffer.
So here's the relevant help on waitfor():
waitfor(obj,propname,propvalue) specifies a value that the property must change to before execution can resume. If the specified property is already equal to propvalue, then waitfor returns immediately and execution resumes.
I assume that obj is the Serial Handle and I'm waiting for the property NumBytesAvailable to be 0
Here is what I get when it's run
Warning: Error executing listener callback for PostSet event on TotalBytesWritten
dynamic property in object of matlabshared.asyncio.internal.Channel class:
Unrecognized function or variable 'NumBytesAvailable'.
Error in MouseOdor20/RunTrial (line 419)
waitfor(app.PicoCom,NumBytesAvailable,0); % wait until it's REALLY done
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 21 Sep 2024
waitfor(app.PicoCom, 'NumBytesAvailable', 0); % wait until it's REALLY done
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