Find names of ports in Subsystem connected to input ports

24 views (last 30 days)
I have some input ports connected to the port of a subsystem. I know the names of all input ports. How to find the names of ports in subsystem which are connected to inports. For example: If I consider inport A1, I should findout the name B1, which is the name of the port in system connected to A1.
  1 Comment
ciming zhu
ciming zhu on 26 Apr 2023
I have the same problem as you,I wonder that did you figure out how to solve this problem?Thanks a lot!!

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Answers (2)

Israa Abdullah
Israa Abdullah on 17 Nov 2019
What is the answer please?

Oleksandr Pylypenko
Oleksandr Pylypenko on 4 Feb 2020
this script will sustitute name of subsystem inport with respect to connected outer inport. It will work also with only some ONE block in the middle between outer inport and subsystem.
% select subsystem
sel_subsystems = find_system(gcs,'Selected','on');
sel_subsystem = sel_subsystems(2);
sel_subsystem = sel_subsystems;
block_of_interest = get_param(cell2mat(sel_subsystem),'Handle');
% subsystem inport handle
sub_handles = find_system(block_of_interest, 'LookUnderMasks', 'on', 'FollowLinks', 'on', 'SearchDepth', 1, 'BlockType', 'Inport');
selected_pc = get_param(block_of_interest,'PortConnectivity');
SrcBlock_h = [selected_pc(:).SrcBlock];
%check if connected block is port type block: BlockType == Inport
for blk=1:length(SrcBlock_h)
connected_blocktype = get_param(SrcBlock_h(blk),'BlockType');
if (contains(connected_blocktype,'Inport'))
% Substitute name
inport_name = get_param(SrcBlock_h(blk),'Name');
% check block connected to this one
pc_L2 = get_param(SrcBlock_h(blk),'PortConnectivity');
SrcBlock_L2_h = [pc_L2(:).SrcBlock];
disp("Connection Level 2 error. More than 1 connection!")
inport_name = get_param(SrcBlock_L2_h(1),'Name');

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