CAT12 Toolbox Won't Launch and Displaying an Error Message
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I have downloaded SPM12 and unzipped and installed cat12 in the spm12 toolbox folder. This shows up but when I try to press on it to launch CAT12 I receive the following error:
SPM present working directory:
Error using spm('TBlaunch',get(gcbo,'UserData'),get(gcbo,'Value')-1), set(gcbo,'Value',1)
Invalid use of operator.
Error in spm (line 954)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
If anyone could help me I would really appreciate it
Answers (1)
Anagha Mittal
on 23 Jul 2024
I understand you are receiving a path related error while launching CAT12.
There could various reasons as follows for this behaviour:
1. Please ensure that CAT12 is added to the MATLAB path. Use the following commands to do the same:
>> addpath('/path/to/spm12');
>> addpath('/path/to/spm12/toolbox/cat12');
>> savepath;
You may refer to the documentation of "addpath" for more information:
2. Since you haven't provided any information regarding the version, please make sure that you are using a compatible version of MATLAB with CAT12 and SPM12. Refer to the following to get the list of compatible versions:
Hope this helps!
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