I have this problem unrecognized method property or field 'ArduinoPr​efDirFolde​rName' for class 'arduino.s​etup.inter​nal.TestCo​nnectionSc​reen'.

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when I install the matlab support package for arduino hardware i got this error when I press test connection. Please help me fix this

Answers (2)

Ruchika Parag
Ruchika Parag on 11 Jul 2024
Hi Sirawat, I understand that you are encountering an issue with the `ArduinoPrefDirFolderName` property for the `arduino.setup.internal.TestConnectionScreen` class. A potential solution to this problem is to use MATLAB R2023b. The issue does not occur in MATLAB R2023b, so you can consider using this version as a temporary workaround. Hope this helps!

MathWorks MATLAB Hardware Team
Here are a few things you can try:
  • Ensure the COM Port is free and available. Close any other applications using this Arduino board and verify that you can see the COM port in Device Manager.
  • Restart the hardware setup process by executing the arduinosetup command in the MATLAB terminal.
  • Follow the hardware setup screens.
If you still encounter the same error, execute the following command in the MATLAB terminal and confirm that you can create an Arduino object:
a = arduino("COM9", "Mega2560", "Libraries", {"I2C", "SPI", "Servo"}, "ForceBuildOn", true)
If you can execute this command without any issues, please proceed with your workflows.
If you encounter any errors, share all these results with us by contacting our technical support team:
MATLAB Hardware Team


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