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Any suggestion to read multi-channelset SEGD file?

15 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
I am recently coding in Matlab to read SEGD files but failed. The main problem is that the SEGD file contains 3 channelsets and their trace lengths are different. I used the code from, as a starting point (i.e. segd_read.m). Normally it works fine to read the data of the first channelset given the exact trace number. I would much appreciate if you could give any suggestion.
Below is the data plot using SegdSee software.
Thanks in advance,
Henry Shen

Answers (1)

praguna manvi
praguna manvi on 15 Jul 2024
There are 3rd party SEG-Y readers with visualization / data processing functionalities. Here’s a link to file exchange for your reference:

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