Latex, sprintf and variable that changes

23 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
In the following MATLAB code snippet:
title(sprintf('\\textbf{Product of $\\phi$ with %0.2f delayed $\\phi(t-\\%%0.2f)$ and a = %0.1f}', k(j).*T , a(i)),'Interpreter','latex');
The objective is to create a plot title combining LaTeX formatting with the value of k(j)*T. However, there seems to be an issue with the rendering of the term $\phi(t-\%0.2f)$.
What could be causing the issue in the LaTeX expression, and how can it be fixed to combine LaTeX formatting with the value of k(j)*T effectively?
Thanks in advance
The complete code:
for i=1:length(a)
[phi, t] = srrc_pulse(T,over,A,a(i));
for j=1:length(k)
figure(6*(i-1) + 2*(j-1) + 1);
hold on;
hold on;
title(sprintf('Pulses with a = %0.1f', a(i)));
tdelayed = t+(k(j).*T);
legend('Original \phi',sprintf('delay %0.2f', k(j).*T));
hold on;
grid on;
% Save the images
filename_subplot = sprintf('subplotWithA=%d_K=%d.png', a(i), k(j));
saveas(gcf, filename_subplot);
phioriginal = [phi zeros(1,k(j)*T/Ts)];
phidelayed = [zeros(1,k(j)*T/Ts) phi];
tmultiplication = [t(1):Ts:t(end)+k(j)*T];
figure(6*(i-1) + 2*(j));
title(sprintf('\\textbf{Product of $\\phi$ with %0.2f delayed $\\phi(t-\\%%0.2f)$ and a = %0.1f}', k(j).*T , a(i)),'Interpreter','latex');
grid on;

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Apr 2024
Your sprintf statement has fields for 3 variables, however you only provide 2.
Provide all 3 and it works —
i = 1;
j = 1;
a(i) = 42;
T = 273;
k(j) = 42^3/1E3;
something_else = rand*100;
title(sprintf('\\textbf{Product of $\\phi$ with %0.2f delayed $\\phi(t-%0.2f)$ and a = %0.1f}', k(j).*T , something_else, a(i)),'Interpreter','latex');
Konstantinos on 13 Apr 2024
I realize now that I was fixated on the variable 'something_else' and overlooked the fact that my string actually contains three variables. Thank you for your assistance, and I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 13 Apr 2024
As always, my pleasure!
No worries!
No apology necessary. (I probably should have stated initially what I stated in my previous Comment. Still early here.)

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