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Training RL agents in Simulink

7 views (last 30 days)
YL on 12 Apr 2024
Commented: YL on 16 Apr 2024
I use RL Agent in simulink for RL training (the purpose of training is to find the right parameters for the model). But because the parameters of the RL outputs are not always reasonable, it causes the simulink simulation to fail. This indirectly leads to the RL training not being able to continue, is there any way to solve this problem?

Accepted Answer

Namnendra on 16 Apr 2024
Hi YL,
When using Reinforcement Learning (RL) agents in Simulink for parameter tuning or control tasks, encountering unreasonable output values from the RL agent that cause the simulation to fail is a common challenge. This can indeed halt the training process, making it difficult to proceed. Here are several strategies to address this issue and ensure a more robust training process:
1. Action Space Constraints
Ensure that the action space of your RL agent is properly defined to limit the range of output values to a reasonable set. This can be done by setting the minimum and maximum values for each action in the action space definition.
- For Continuous Action Spaces: Use `rlNumericSpec` to define the action space and set the `LowerLimit` and `UpperLimit` properties to constrain the actions.
- For Discrete Action Spaces: Ensure the actions themselves represent reasonable parameter changes.
2. Reward Shaping
Modify the reward function to penalize actions that lead to simulation failure or result in unreasonable parameter values. By carefully designing the reward function, you can guide the RL agent towards more desirable behavior.
- Implement a significant negative reward for actions that cause simulation errors.
- Introduce penalties for actions that approach the limits of what you consider reasonable, creating a gradient that discourages extreme values.
3. Custom Training Loop with Try-Catch
If using MATLAB code to control the training process, you can implement a custom training loop with a `try-catch` block. This allows the simulation to fail gracefully without stopping the training. In the `catch` section, you can handle the error (e.g., by assigning a large negative reward) and continue the training process.
for episode = 1:maxEpisodes
% Run simulation and training step
catch exception
% Handle simulation failure, e.g., by logging and continuing
disp('Simulation failed, continuing with next episode.');
% Assign negative reward, reset environment, etc.
4. Preprocessing and Postprocessing Scripts in Simulink
Use Simulink's capability to run MATLAB scripts before and after simulation runs (in the model's callbacks). You can check the RL agent's output before the simulation starts and adjust if necessary to prevent failure.
- InitFcn callback: Use this to preprocess or adjust the RL agent's actions before the simulation starts.
- StopFcn callback: Use this for cleanup or analysis after each simulation stop.
5. Simulation Error Handling in Simulink
Configure your Simulink model to handle errors more gracefully. This could involve setting up the simulation to bypass certain errors or to substitute values that prevent the simulation from crashing.
- Use "Saturation blocks" or "Dead Zone blocks" to limit the inputs to sensitive components within your model.
- Implement "logical switches" that can change the simulation path in case of impending failure conditions.
6. Agent Exploration Settings
Adjust the exploration settings of your RL agent to reduce the likelihood of choosing extreme or untested actions, especially in the early stages of training.
- For example, if using an epsilon-greedy policy, you can adjust the epsilon decay rate to maintain higher levels of exploration for longer, potentially avoiding premature convergence to poor policies.
By combining these strategies, you can significantly improve the robustness of your RL training process in Simulink, ensuring that the agent learns to avoid actions that lead to simulation failure and ultimately finds the right parameters for your model.
I hope the above steps help resolve the issue.
Thank you.
  1 Comment
YL on 16 Apr 2024
Hi, Namnendra
Thank you for your answer!
My Simulink model is a parameter testing model, and I only have one or two sets of parameters for normal simulation. Therefore, I use RL to train in the hope of obtaining more parameters, so I cannot limit the accurate range of actions.
I will try the Custom Training Loop with Try Catch you mentioned to close RL training before opening it again. Then, combined with simulation error handling in Simulink.
Thank you very much for your kind help

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