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How to analyze FMU Files in MATLAB: Extracting Input and Output Information in R2024a?

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Is there a way to analyze .fmu files in MATLAB? Specifically, I'm looking to gather information such as the number of inputs and outputs without running a simulation, but also port- and parameter names.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 19 Apr 2024
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 21 Mar 2024
Currently, MATLAB does not provide a direct function to analyze .fmu (Functional Mock-up Unit) files solely for the purpose of extracting information like the number of inputs and outputs. However, this functionality can be achieved by utilizing the Simulink API along with a custom MATLAB function. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to implement this solution.
Custom Function to Extract FMU Information:
The function getFmuInformation allows you to extract detailed information from an FMU file by leveraging Simulink's capabilities to handle FMU files. This function returns a structure containing the number of input and output ports along with their names.
function fmuInfoStruct = getFmuInformation(fmuFilePath,Options)
%GETFMUINFORMATION Extract information from an FMU file in Simulink.
%   fmuInfoStruct = GETFMUINFORMATION(fmuFilePath, Options) returns a
%   structure containing information about the FMU file with additional
%   options specified.
%   Inputs:
%       fmuFilePath - A text scalar that specifies the path to the FMU file.
%                     This must be a valid file path ending with the .fmu
%                     extension.
%   Name-Value Pair Arguments:
%       'deleteCacheFolder' - A logical value indicating whether to delete
%                             the cache folder generated during the import
%                             process. Default is true.
%   Outputs:
%       fmuInfoStruct - A structure with the following fields:
%           Inports - A structure containing:
%               numInput - The number of input ports.
%               names - A string array of names for each input port.
%           Outports - A structure containing:
%               numOutput - The number of output ports.
%               names - A string array of names for each output port.
%           Parameters - A structure containing:
%               names - A string array of parameter names, if available
%   Example:
%       % Specify the path to the FMU file
%       fmuFilePath = 'path/to/model.fmu';
%       % Get information about the FMU
%       info = getFmuInformation(fmuFilePath);
%       % Display the number of inputs and outputs
%       disp(info.Inports.numInput);
%       disp(info.Outports.numOutput);
    fmuFilePath {mustBeTextScalar, mustBeFile}
    Options.deleteCacheFolder (1,1) logical = true
[pathToFmu,fmuName,ext] = fileparts(fmuFilePath);
if ext ~= ".fmu"
    error("Input file is not an FMU file.")
state = warning('query','Simulink:Engine:MdlFileShadowing').state;
if state == "on"
    cleanUpObjWarn = onCleanup(@()warning('on','Simulink:Engine:MdlFileShadowing'));
tempMdlHdl = new_system;
cleanupObjMdl = onCleanup(@()bdclose(tempMdlHdl));
tempMdlName = get_param(tempMdlHdl,'Name');
fmuBlkPath = [tempMdlName,'/FMU'];
add_block('simulink_extras/FMU Import/FMU',fmuBlkPath);
if ~isempty(pathToFmu)
    pathCheck = isempty(which([fmuName ext]));
    if pathCheck
        fmuPathCleanupObj = onCleanup(@()rmpath(pathToFmu));
portHandles = get_param(fmuBlkPath,'PortHandles');
numInput = length(portHandles.Inport);
numOutput = length(portHandles.Outport);
fmuInfoStruct.Inports.numInput = numInput;
fmuInfoStruct.Outports.numOutput = numOutput;
maskDisplayInfo = get_param(fmuBlkPath,'MaskDisplay');
maskDisplayInfo = splitlines(string(maskDisplayInfo));
[namesInput, namesOut] = getInOutInfoFromMaskDisplayInfo(maskDisplayInfo);
assert(length(namesInput) == numInput,"Number of inputs unequal to number of Inport names.")
assert(length(namesOut) == numOutput,"Number of outputs unequal to number of Outport names.")
fmuInfoStruct.Inports.names = namesInput;
fmuInfoStruct.Outports.names = namesOut;
paramData = get_param(fmuBlkPath,'DialogParameters');
if isempty(paramData)
    fmuInfoStruct.Parameters.names = string.empty(0,0);
    fmuInfoStruct.Parameters.names = string(fieldnames(paramData));
if Options.deleteCacheFolder
    function [namesInput, namesOut] = getInOutInfoFromMaskDisplayInfo(maskDisplayInfo)
        allInputLines = maskDisplayInfo(contains(maskDisplayInfo,"port_label('input',"));
        allOutputLines = maskDisplayInfo(contains(maskDisplayInfo,"port_label('output',"));
        namesInput = extractBetween(allInputLines,"," + digitsPattern + ",'","');");
        namesOut = extractBetween(allOutputLines,"," + digitsPattern + ",'","');");
    function clearFmuCache(fmuName)
        foundFmuFolder = false;
        pathToSlprjFmuFolder = fullfile(Simulink.fileGenControl('get','CacheFolder'),"slprj","_fmu");
        folderContentOfFmuCacheFolder = dir(pathToSlprjFmuFolder);
        allFolderNames = string({});
        allFolderNames = allFolderNames([folderContentOfFmuCacheFolder.isdir]);
        allFolderNames = allFolderNames(and(allFolderNames ~= ".",allFolderNames ~= ".."));
        for numFolder = 1:length(allFolderNames)
            pathToFMUCacheFolderFromFMU = fullfile(pathToSlprjFmuFolder,allFolderNames(numFolder));
            allSubFmuCacheFolders = string({dir(pathToFMUCacheFolderFromFMU).name});
            if any(contains(allSubFmuCacheFolders,fmuName))
                foundFmuFolder = true;
        if ~foundFmuFolder
        clear cleanupObjMdl
        if length(allFolderNames) > 1
        pathToSlprjFolder = fileparts(pathToSlprjFmuFolder);
        if length({dir(pathToSlprjFolder).name}) > 2
Important Notes:
  • Ensure the .fmu file path is correctly specified.
  • The Options parameter allows you to specify whether to delete the cache folder generated during the process. By default, this is set to true.
  • This function creates a temporary Simulink model to import the FMU block, from which it then extracts the required information.
Usage Example:
To use the getFmuInformation function, simply call it with the path to your FMU file as shown in the example within the function comment. The function will return a structure with the information about the inputs and outputs of the FMU.
% Specify the FMU file path
fmuFilePath = 'path/to/yourModel.fmu';
% Extract FMU information
fmuInfo = getFmuInformation(fmuFilePath);
% Display the extracted information
disp(['Number of Inputs: ', num2str(fmuInfo.Inports.numInput)]);
disp(['Number of Outputs: ', num2str(fmuInfo.Outports.numOutput)]);
While MATLAB does not natively support the analysis of .fmu files for the purpose of extracting input and output information, the custom function getFmuInformation provides a workaround by utilizing Simulink's FMU import capabilities. Additionally, for those not using Simulink, parsing the modelDescription.xml file directly from the FMU package could be an alternative method to obtain this information. This approach allows users to programmatically access detailed information about their FMU files within the MATLAB environment. Please be aware that the function could break in any future release. It was tested with R2023b and R2024a.

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