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How can I split the fluid in two-phase refrigeration systems?

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello friends,
For my project I need to divide my fluid into two(or three) in certain proportions. with which component can I do this? there is no 3-way-ventile in two-phase fluid, I was going to use it. what can I use for this?
Thank you for your help
ÖMER on 28 Mar 2024
For the beginning in 2, the first I will set, the other should be the rest in the flow.
Yifeng Tang
Yifeng Tang on 2 Apr 2024
Hi Omer,
I attached a "behavioral" 2-way flow splitter to demonstrate the idea. It has some "P control" inside trying get to the right flow ratio between the two streams by adjusting the spool position input to the orifices. The inputs to the two orifices are linked so increasing one would decrease the other, so the balance point will give you the desired split.
This isn't hard to do for two outputs, but I suspect it may not be so easy for three outlets, mainly because I'm not sure how the "control" should work for 1-in-3-out splitter. If you have the hydraulic diagram of such a component, it could help.
And, you can always try to use Simscape language for this. Here is an example in the isothermal liquid domain: I feel this approach could be easier to generalize to N outlets.

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