Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Loop outputting deleted object?

4 views (last 30 days)
S on 26 Feb 2024
Commented: Mathieu NOE on 4 Mar 2024
I am trying to add a loop that plots each filters output, but am getting an error that I do not understand. Its the last loop trying to make figure 4. Thank you for your time!
close all
clear all
fs = 20e3;
numFilts = 32; %
% BW = 100; %Filter Bandwidth
filter_number = 5;
order = 4;
CenterFreqs = logspace(log10(50), log10(8000), numFilts);
% CF1 = CenterFreqs - BW/2; %Lower cutoff frequency
% CF2 = CenterFreqs + BW/2; %Upper cutoff frequency
% t = linspace(0,2*pi,200);
% input = sin(t) + 0.25*rand(size(t));
hold on
for ii = 1:filter_number
IR = gammatone(order, CenterFreqs(ii), fs);
[tmp,f] = freqz(IR,1,1024*2,fs);
% scale the IR amplitude so that the max modulus is 0 dB
a = 1/max(abs(tmp));
% % or if you prefer - 3dB
% g = 10^(-3 / 20); % 3 dB down from peak
% a = g/max(abs(tmp));
IR = IR*a;
[h{ii},f] = freqz(IR,1,1024*2,fs); % now store h{ii} after amplitude correction
title('Impulse Response');
hold off
hold on
for ii = 1:filter_number
title('Bode plot');
ylabel('Gain (dB)');
zer = -0.5; %Zero location
pol = 0.9*exp(j*2*pi*[-0.3 0.3]'); %complex pole location
[b,a] = zp2tf(zer,pol,1); %Convert poles to transfer function form
This functionality is not available on remote platforms.
zplane(b,a) %zplane finds roots of numerator and denominator using the roots function
hold on
for ii = 1:filter_number
output(ii,:) = gammatone(input, CenterFreqs(ii), fs);
LEGs{ii} = ['Filter # ' num2str(ii)]; %assign legend name to each
hold off
function IR = gammatone(order, centerFrequency, fs)
% Design a gammatone filter
earQ = 9.26449;
minBW = 24.7;
% erb = (centerFrequency / earQ) + minBW;
erb = ((centerFrequency/earQ)^order + (minBW)^order)^(1/order);% we use the generalized
% function (depending on order)
% B = 1.019 .* 2 .* pi .* erb; % no, the 3pi factor is implemented twice in your code
B = 1.019 * erb;
% g = 10^(-3 / 20); % 3 dB down from peak % what is it for ? see main code above
f = centerFrequency;
tau = 1. / (2. .* pi .* B);
% gammatone filter IR
t = (0:1/fs:10/f);
temp = (t - tau) > 0;
% IR = (t.^(order - 1)) .* exp(-2 .* pi .* B .* (t - tau)) .* g .* cos(2*pi*f*(t - tau)) .* temp;
IR = ((t - tau).^(order - 1)) .* exp(-2*pi*B*(t - tau)).* cos(2*pi*f*(t - tau)) .* temp;
Error using te11
Invalid or deleted object.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Feb 2024
Start by doing
clear t226
at the command line, to get rid of the variable that is shadowing the file.
You should rarely have
clear all
in your code. Instead, explicitly initialize variables.

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Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 27 Feb 2024
hello and welcome back again @S
I see the added code below figure(4) is a copy paste from some older code , so this line is incorrect :
output(ii,:) = gammatone(input, CenterFreqs(ii), fs);
notice that the gammatone function we have today is not about applying the gammatone filter to an input signal but just to generate the IR of the filter
so what you should be doing instead is to apply the IR coefficients to your input signal
output(ii,:) = filter(IR_array{ii},1,input);
also I noticed that your input signal has only 200 samples (representing one period of a signal at 100 Hz, according to fs = 20e3 Hz) , but look again at the IR plots, you see we need a much longer input signal to reach a steady state output; here I modified slightly your code so we generate now 10 periods of input signal (you may just want to plot the last period - this can be done latter if you want)
so full code corrected : (NB I have commented what was in section figure (3) as this is not really the focus here)
close all
fs = 20e3;
numFilts = 32; %
filter_number = 5;
order = 4;
CenterFreqs = logspace(log10(50), log10(8000), numFilts);
% input signal definition
Nperiods = 10; % we need more than 1 period of signal to reach the steady state output (look a the IR samples)
t = linspace(0,2*pi*Nperiods,200*Nperiods); % for 1 period (2*pi) we have 200 samples at fs = 20e3, so signal freq = 20e3/200 = 100 Hz
input = sin(t) + 0.25*rand(size(t));
hold on
for ii = 1:filter_number
IR = gammatone(order, CenterFreqs(ii), fs);
[tmp,f] = freqz(IR,1,1024*2,fs);
% scale the IR amplitude so that the max modulus is 0 dB
a = 1/max(abs(tmp));
% % or if you prefer - 3dB
% g = 10^(-3 / 20); % 3 dB down from peak
% a = g/max(abs(tmp));
IR_array{ii} = IR*a; % scale IR and store in cell array afterwards
[h{ii},f] = freqz(IR_array{ii},1,1024*2,fs); % now store h{ii} after amplitude correction
title('Impulse Response');
hold off
hold on
for ii = 1:filter_number
title('Bode plot');
ylabel('Gain (dB)');
% figure(3)
% zer = -0.5; %Zero location
% pol = 0.9*exp(j*2*pi*[-0.3 0.3]'); %complex pole location
% zplane(zer,pol)
% [b,a] = zp2tf(zer,pol,1); %Convert poles to transfer function form
% % fvtool(b,a)
% fvtool(b,a,'Analysis','polezero')
% zplane(b,a) %zplane finds roots of numerator and denominator using the roots function
hold on
for ii = 1:filter_number
output(ii,:) = filter(IR_array{ii},1,input);
LEGs{ii} = ['Filter # ' num2str(ii)]; %assign legend name to each
hold off
function IR = gammatone(order, centerFrequency, fs)
% Design a gammatone filter
earQ = 9.26449;
minBW = 24.7;
% erb = (centerFrequency / earQ) + minBW;
erb = ((centerFrequency/earQ)^order + (minBW)^order)^(1/order);% we use the generalized
% function (depending on order)
% B = 1.019 .* 2 .* pi .* erb; % no, the 3pi factor is implemented twice in your code
B = 1.019 * erb;
% g = 10^(-3 / 20); % 3 dB down from peak % what is it for ? see main code above
f = centerFrequency;
tau = 1. / (2. .* pi .* B);
% gammatone filter IR
t = (0:1/fs:10/f);
temp = (t - tau) > 0;
% IR = (t.^(order - 1)) .* exp(-2 .* pi .* B .* (t - tau)) .* g .* cos(2*pi*f*(t - tau)) .* temp;
IR = ((t - tau).^(order - 1)) .* exp(-2*pi*B*(t - tau)).* cos(2*pi*f*(t - tau)) .* temp;
S on 4 Mar 2024
You are completely right! Thank you!
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 4 Mar 2024
as always, my pleasure !

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 Feb 2024
>> test5
Error using input
Not enough input arguments.
Error in test5 (line 49)
output(ii,:) = gammatone(input, CenterFreqs(ii), fs);
Do not use "input" as the name of your variable in your argument list. It is the name of a built-in function and it requires input argument, just like the error said. Call it something else, like order instead of input.

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